This book is a unique and innovative research work in fundamentals of Islamic Dawah according to the Quran and Sunnah which is designed as a text book for the under graduate and post graduate students and researcher as well as other readers.

It has brought forward the meaning of Dawah and its various categories, nature and scope, significance, liabilities, aims and objective,  major pillars of Dawah such as Da`ee (his qualities and duties), Madwoo or addressee people (with their dawatic characteristics and categories), subject matter, styles of approaches and Media of Dawah  along with the history of Islamic Dawah through ages, its method and procedures like determining the mission and vision, Hikmah, Maw`ezah Hasanah, Debate in the best way, stable in Dawah by Taqwa, social works and quality assurances as well as moderated techniques to face the oppressions and challenges.