Prof. Dr. M. Yasar Kandemir was born in 1939 in İnceçayır village of Yozgat. He studied primary school in his village and Imam-Hatip School in Yozgat. He graduated from Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute in 1964. After teaching at Sivas Imam-Hatip School for three years, he became a hadith assistant at Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute (1967).

He completed his thesis on Mevzu Hadisler (1970). In the same year, he was appointed to Kayseri High Islamic Institute. After teaching here for two years, he went to the army and served as a reserve officer in the border division in Edirne’s Lalapaşa district.

He was appointed to the Higher Islamic Institute (1974). He completed his doctorate titled Kadî İyâz and Bugyetü’r-râid fî mâ fî hadith Ümmi Zer’ mine’l-fevâid at IU Faculty of Letters Department of Oriental Languages ​​(1977). He received the titles of assistant professor in 1982, associate professor in 1987, and professor in 1991 at the Faculty of Theology at MU.

Since 1984, he has been working as a proofreader for the Turkish Religious Foundation’s Encyclopedia of Islam. Since 2005, Şifa-i Şerif has been recited at Eyüp Sultan Mosque about an hour before the noon prayer every Sunday.